Problem is solved. I reinstalled video driver.
THANK YOU Glen and Karl very much!

2011/2/24 Glen Pike <>:
> Hi,
>    Sorry, I did not post the forum link before - it could be a problem with
> H/W acceleration:
>    Hopefully this might help
>    Glen
> On 24/02/2011 13:31, natalia Vikhtinskaya wrote:
>> I uninstaled and installed FP again. Result is the same. FP doesn't
>> show content in full mode.
>> 2011/2/24 Glen Pike<>:
>>> Hi,
>>>    This sounds like a video driver problem, although I am not 100%.
>>>    When you re-installed flashplayer, did you uninstall first - use the
>>> uninstaller:
>>>    Check out this post about similar complaint - it might help resolve
>>> it, I
>>> don't know.
>>>    Glen
>>> On 24/02/2011 12:54, natalia Vikhtinskaya wrote:
>>>> Karl, thank you for your help. I see something wrong on my side. I
>>>> also don't see any youtube fullscreen video. But I don't know where
>>>> the  problem can be. If I play swf without browser I also don't see
>>>> content in full screen mode. That means it is FlashPlayer problem.
>>>> What else can I check or change?
>>>> 2011/2/24 Karl DeSaulniers<>:
>>>>> Here is a sample. Make sure allowFullScreen is set in your HTML.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Karl
>>>>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
>>>>>> Try this natalia...
>>>>>> import flash.geom.Rectangle;
>>>>>> Stage["fullScreenSourceRect"] = new Rectangle( 0, 0, Stage.width/2,
>>>>>> Stage.height/2);
>>>>>> Stage.scaleMode = "maintainAspectRatio";
>>>>>> function goFullScreen()
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>   Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> function exitFullScreen()
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>   Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> function menuHandler(obj, menuObj)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>   if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[0].enabled = true;
>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[1].enabled = false;
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>   else
>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[0].enabled = false;
>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[1].enabled = true;
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> this.onFullScreen = function(bFullScreen:Boolean):Void {
>>>>>>        if (bFullScreen){
>>>>>>                Stage.showMenu = true;
>>>>>>        }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> var fullscreenCM:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(menuHandler);
>>>>>> fullscreenCM.hideBuiltInItems();
>>>>>> var fs:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Go Full Screen",
>>>>>> goFullScreen);
>>>>>> fullscreenCM.customItems.push( fs );
>>>>>> var xfs:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Exit Full Screen",
>>>>>> exitFullScreen);
>>>>>> fullscreenCM.customItems.push( xfs );
>>>>>> Stage.addListener(Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen",
>>>>>> onFullScreen);
>>>>>> = fullscreenCM;
>>>>>> Works for me.. :)
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Karl
>>>>>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 3:48 AM, natalia Vikhtinskaya wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> I am trying to use full screen mode. I tested this example for AS2
>>>>>>> Here is a test html with goScaledFullScreen function
>>>>>>> As you can see in full mode  content disappears.
>>>>>>> The same if I use goFullScreen function.
>>>>>>> What is wrong in my adaptation?
>>>>>>> Code with custom context menu from this article
>>>>>>> import flash.geom.Rectangle;
>>>>>>> function goFullScreen()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> function goScaledFullScreen(){
>>>>>>>   var screenRectangle:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
>>>>>>>   screenRectangle.x = 0;
>>>>>>>   screenRectangle.y = 0;
>>>>>>>   screenRectangle.width=Stage.width/2;
>>>>>>>   screenRectangle.height=Stage.height/2;
>>>>>>>   Stage["fullScreenSourceRect"] = screenRectangle;
>>>>>>>   Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> function exitFullScreen()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> function menuHandler(obj, menuObj)
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>   if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
>>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[0].enabled = true;
>>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[1].enabled = false;
>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>   else
>>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[0].enabled = false;
>>>>>>>      menuObj.customItems[1].enabled = true;
>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> var fullscreenCM:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(menuHandler);
>>>>>>> fullscreenCM.hideBuiltInItems();
>>>>>>> var fs:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Go Full
>>>>>>> Screen",goScaledFullScreen);
>>>>>>> fullscreenCM.customItems.push( fs );
>>>>>>> var xfs:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Exit Full Screen",
>>>>>>> exitFullScreen);
>>>>>>> fullscreenCM.customItems.push( xfs );
>>>>>>> = fullscreenCM;
>>>>>>> Thank you in advance.
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>>>>>> Karl DeSaulniers
>>>>>> Design Drumm
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