Tony Peden writes:

 > The static system will probably be more challenging as that's where most
 > of the subtle errors seem to crop up.  Cessna gives tables relating IAS
 > to CAS (which is largely the static source error).  If that's standard
 > practice, incorporating a table read-in and lookup might be a good idea.

The CAS/IAS differences are not that big, at least not the for 172.  I
think that a higher priority will be modelling alt static air from
inside the cabin.  I will want to work in sideslip errors, though.

I would be very grateful for any quick-and-dirty methods for
calculating IAS/CAS from the difference between dynamic and static
pressure in subsonic flight.

Thanks, and all the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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