On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

> Very nice for a first stab.  Is this intended more towards
> browsing/selection of airports, or are you also considering the data
> management side ... pulling data from diverse sources, prioritizing,
> reconciling, etc. etc. etc.

See my other post - I *do* intend to expand on the database - the first
shot was just to get me some info to work from. Next steps are more work
on the database, and an "edit" rather than just "view" function. I've a
few ideas for a visual editor too, although that's a bit further off :-)

> Could this be made to run locally on a user's machine and some how be
> leveraged as an airport selection tool for FlightGear???  Something
> along these lines would be very nice.  Can you rewrite this all in
> perl-tk (just checking) :-)

Probably - the image itself is generated from a perl script using the GD
lib (I'm more at home with perl than php, but php seemed to make more
sense for the actual UI bit).

Jon Stockill

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