Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > 1) Less effort positioning buildings (easier to move them around if need be).
> >  Just place the origin at some landmark in the scene and place the whole thing
> > in one shot.
> I really think we should switch over to .ssg files for scenery objects. 
> The problem with .ac files is that we need to recalculate the normal 
> vectors (for each object?). I've tested them with some other file 
> formats and they all load way faster.

So long as we have a good converter, it should be fine to do that.  One
possibility would be to cache .ac files as .ssg files on the disk.  From the
modeler's perspective it is probably going to be easier to have .ac files in
the base package.

> > 2) Use a single texture file containing all the textures mapped to the various
> > buildings in the model.  Rendering efficiency.
> That's a good idea, but after playing with ac3d a bit I still don't know 
> how to use a section of the texture for a particular object. So it's 
> making things a bit harder for model designers.

Recent release(s) (this year) have a texture coordinet editor.  It's on the
menu.  There was actually a way to do it before,  but it was very time consuming.
> > Is this true that the textures get reloaded, and is there some way to share
> > textures between objects and not just save disk space?
> Probably yes. I had the same issue with audio files. I've managed to 
> overcome this problem by implementing a 'cache' which holds the complete 
> location of the file, and a pointer to the buffer containing the file.
> Maybe we can do this for textures also (before passing them to plib)?

There have been a few other reasons that I've been thinking that we should
implement our own loader for 'ac' files.  Two big ones are overriding texture
file names in the xml wrapper, and having more control over the building of
the scene graph (plib's optimization problems).  This could be another one.



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