Lee Elliott writes:

 > Is there any way to set a constriant on it?  It's fine when it's
 > smoothing angles > 90deg < 270 but it would be better if it didn't
 > try to do sharper angles.  This seems to be the cause of the
 > artifacts often seen on models, for example at the wing traiing
 > edges.

It's a bit of a mess, really.  The problem is that AC3D is (or was,
until recently) the only general format that worked fully with plib,
but AC3D files do not contain information on normals.  If there's a
better semi-standard format that we can use -- one that we can easily
get From AC3D and Blender and import into plib with object names,
normals, and texture information intact -- I'll be happy to switch to

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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