Jim Wilson writes:

 > 1) Less effort positioning buildings (easier to move them around if
 > need be).  Just place the origin at some landmark in the scene and
 > place the whole thing in one shot.

Static scenery should be positioned only once, when the tile is
loaded, so there's no on-going overhead.

 > 2) Use a single texture file containing all the textures mapped to
 > the various buildings in the model.  Rendering efficiency.

I think all that matters is the total amount of texture memory used.

 > 3) Savings for buildings that use the exact same texture.  More
 > efficiency.

How often do different geometries use the same texture?

In any case, we can accomplish the same thing with separate models,
simply by making sure that no texture is loaded more than once.  The
2D panel already does that, but we'd have to find a way to hook into
the plib AC3D loaded.

 > Is this true that the textures get reloaded, and is there some way to share
 > textures between objects and not just save disk space?

Any comment, plib types?  We should also set up static model support
in the scenery loader so that each static model is loaded only once
and reference counted.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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