On Saturday 14 Feb 2004 6:27 pm, Norman Vine wrote:
> In most systems if an object is represented by a point location it is
> expected that said location will be 'near' the center of the object in
> question.
> In the case of radar the center point of the 'target's on-screen echo' when
> extrapolated to account for the 'display properties' is most often close to
> the center point of the object 'sensed'.
> < I know it is really much more complicated then this but ... it is
> certainly closer to the center point then one of the extremities unless
> that extremity and the center point line up on a vector emanating from the
> radar >
> Note this has nothing to do with how FGFS has or will do things but
> reflects common practice and deviation from this will 'often' have to be
> accounted for.

Oo!  Oo! but this is a simulator, isn't it?  So won't it simulate the 
electromagnetic pulse from our aircraft's antenna, modify it for the medium 
between us and the target, query the position (of the nose :¬) and 
orientation of the target, calculate the effective radar cross-section, and 
return the reflection to the receiver?  We wouldn't just draw a blip on  a 
radar instrument screen, being a projection of X.target, Y.target, Z.target, 
would we?  (OK, maybe if the target squawked).



I've got a more serious observations on the Reference Point Skirmish, though. 
At least in the early part of the debate it would have helped if we had a 
diagram to refer to, just to get the nomenclature clear.  A picture paints 1K 
words, etc.

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