[This posting is directed primarily at YASim's daddy, Andy Ross, but I'll be interested in hearing from others as well.]

1. Engine Idle

I've been spending a bit of time on the PA-28 model in YASim, and one problem is that the engine idles far too fast sitting still on the ground (around 1000 rpm, instead of 600-650 rpm). Is there any simple parameter I can tune to slow it down a bit?

2. Fuel and Oil Properties

Secondly, I've added fuel and oil gauges to the PA28 cockpit, and it is seriously disconcerting every time I scan the panel and see the oil temperature, oil pressure, and fuel pressure all at 0 (in real life, that means imminent disaster). What do we need to do to get YASim to publish convincing values for these properties for piston engines?


3. Changing the Fuel Level

Once YASim is running, it takes control of the /consumables/fuel/tank[*]/level-gal_us property (as well as the associated weight property) and will not accept changes. To simulate refueling, either in the ground or on the air, it would be nice to be able to change these values dynamically inside a FlightGear session.

Thanks, and all the best,


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