I've just added an EGT (exhaust gas temperature) gauge to the pa28-161 model, and it showed up another YASim engine issue (apologies to Andy for posting only about the problems -- the model flies beautifully for the most part).

With the engine running at full blast, YASim sets /engines/engine[0]/egt-degf to about 58 degF, or 14.5 degC, while the outside air temperature is 14.3 degC. That's one cool exhaust.

I don't know exactly how hot the EGT should be, but I know that it's hotter than that. My plane is heated by a shroud around the muffler, and even the heating duct on my floor, a long way from the shroud, is extremely hot to the touch. I'm guessing that we should be seeing exhaust gas temperatures at least around 250-350 degF, but I have no solid basis for that guess right now.

Is there perhaps just a conversion error in YASim somewhere?

All the best,


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