On Thu, 08 Apr 2004 14:27:10 -0700, Andy wrote in message 

> Jon Stockill wrote:
> > That's because Linus made the exception - not because it's allowed
> > by the GPL - in effect he extended the rights granted by the GPL
> > (this is allowed - it's restricting rights that's forbidden).
> You're thinking about the exception for running programs, which
> appears at the top of the kernel COPYING file.  In the case of
> modules, actually, Linus has notably refused to issue such an
> exception.  Instead, he issued a statement saying something to the
> effect that "If you ship a binary [i.e. dynamically loadable] module,
> you had better be damn sure that it does not constitute a derived work
> of the kernel."  The general public consensus seems to be that
> hardware drivers are OK, FWIW.
> Like I said, it's complicated. :)

..ok, Jorge, another way of selling FG and the GPL etc onto your
military client, is show them this discussion and Groklaw.net.

..my own guess, is Microsoft's real issue with the GPL, is they are
giving up their own code, just like Apple did with FreeBSD*, but wants 
to make GNU/Linux closed source, so they need the GPL defeated.

..so Microsoft funds SCO's litigation against IBM etc, patent's the XML
file format because Microsoft doesn't want to share any source at all.**

..Apple could and did legally under the BSD licence, ditch their own OS
and made their OS X an enhanched FreeBSD* clone, because the BSD 
license does not force distribution of source code on distribution with 
"other" code.

..you, Jorge, will be in violation with the GPL, unless, you makes your
modified FG source code avaliable to your military client.  But, you do
not have to show us anything, under the GPL, as long as both you and
your military client keeps your FG HUD mods to yourself and for your
own use, and for your military client's use.

..*(it _was_ freeBSD, wasn't it?  At least _one_ of the *BSD's.)

..**covered in another post here today,  titled "..more legal _shit_,
Microsofts New Zeeland XML patent...", reusing some wee bits of 
this message.  ;-)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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