Melchior FRANZ said:

> * Jim Wilson -- Friday 30 April 2004 18:13:
> [  (1 MB)]
> > It's actually a very nice model and I don't think it has too many vertices for
> > modern computers.  IIRC it is comparable to the 1903 Wright flyer model's
> > size. 
> Umm ...
>                    Concorde           Wright
> --------------------------------------------
> file size         5.517.740        1.945.140

Ok, but it gzips down to about 750k.

> vertices             35.383           12.373
> faces                33.581           19.875
> alone the Concord's 10 tyres (without any other part of the gear) 
> have 5.120 vertices, while the *whole* bo105 has 3.556!  ;-)
> It's not the modeller's fault, though. His Concorde was designed
> for 3D rendering, not for flight simulation. I'm not against detailed,
> high-poly models, but in this case it's really wasted space and
> performance. You proably wouldn't even see a difference with half
> the vertices and faces.

I don't know Melchior, that one is pretty darn smooth :-).  After looking this
model over carefully, the difference is clear to me.  There is more detail in
the gear than in the *whole* bo105!  It is one great looking model and it
"renders" in FlightGear at 15-20fps on my system which is low end hardware
compared to what is available inexpensively these days.  Times change and
vertex counts go up, just because we can.   Besides, after takeoff you raise
that gear and close those doors and do a few other "tricks" and you've just
recovered a bunch of ram and some frames too.

As I said I'm not opposed to a lower res version.  It isn't necessary to add
this model to the base package, at all.  My point was, we need an FDM and it
is going to be a little different than your every day airliner.



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