From the look of it, lowering that many vertices will be a waste of time and 
effort; not to mention a waste of a good model.  I say, whoever is doing the 
new Concorde should continue with his work.


On April 30, 2004 01:37 pm, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> * Jim Wilson -- Friday 30 April 2004 18:13:
> [  (1 MB)]
> > It's actually a very nice model and I don't think it has too many
> > vertices for modern computers.  IIRC it is comparable to the 1903 Wright
> > flyer model's size.
> Umm ...
>                    Concorde           Wright
> --------------------------------------------
> file size         5.517.740        1.945.140
> vertices             35.383           12.373
> faces                33.581           19.875
> alone the Concord's 10 tyres (without any other part of the gear)
> have 5.120 vertices, while the *whole* bo105 has 3.556!  ;-)
> It's not the modeller's fault, though. His Concorde was designed
> for 3D rendering, not for flight simulation. I'm not against detailed,
> high-poly models, but in this case it's really wasted space and
> performance. You proably wouldn't even see a difference with half
> the vertices and faces.
> m.
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