On Saturday 31 July 2004 17:02, Jon Berndt wrote:
> > I don't use real weather because most of my flying is to test the fdms
> > I'm working on,
> Just so I am clear, when you say "fdms" are you referring to Flight
> Dynamics Model source code, or are you referring to something I'd call an
> Aircraft Flight Model (AFM) or Aircraft Flight Model Definition (AFMD). I
> don't mean to sound snobbish, but when I think of FDM I think of math
> (equations of motion). The aircraft definition files - whether it be a
> JSBSim aircraft definition file, a YASim one, or whatever - define the
> aircraft - which the FDM code interprets and "brings to life".
> We've never really discussed terminology as far as I can remember, but
> maybe a clarification would be good - if only so that my filter rules don't
> categorize messages incorrectly. :-)
> Jon

Hello Jon,

I'm not referring to Flight Data Model source code but to the xml config for a 
particular aircraft - AFM/AFMD I guess.  I was using that terminology because 
I copied it from some existing stuff.


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