On Mon, 25 Feb 2008, Curtis Olson wrote:

> Now on to my hairbrained idea ... (?)  I wonder if this MP model could
> communicate new locations through the generic MP fields, such that everyone
> could pick up the changes.  Perhaps we would have a nasal script that
> watches when specific fields change and launch a new chunk of fire at that
> location?  This way the MP forest fire object could (hopefully?) change and
> expand dynamically and everyone would see the same view.  I'm envisioning
> some sort of dynamic communication protocol that might even be able to
> delete or move portions of the fire as the fire progresses.
> Would any of this be doable in our OSG version?  Would anyone want to mess
> with it?  Maybe the machine that hosts the source version of the fire could
> have a dialog box where you could control the fire ... maybe specify
> direction of wind or movement, aggressiveness of the fire, maybe even
> someday get smarter about terrain, etc.?

I thought about making a cellular automata model of a forest fire some 
time back, but never got around to actually implement anything. At that 
point I was thinking about using the OSG fire object from the payen-pa100 
aircraft. For communication I was considering sending the start event over 
MP and then hope that identical propagation rules would lead to nearly 
identical states (that is a bit optimistic, though :).

I might take a second look at this.

In any case it is fairly easy to send object creation events over MP - 
the latest version of my Submarine Scout blimp exports submodel impacts 
over MP. (http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/JSBSim-LTA)


Anders Gidenstam
mail: anders(at)gidenstam.org
WWW: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/

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