Curtis Olson schrieb:
> ...
> Just tossing ideas and comments your direction ... :-)  Great work,
> this is exciting stuff!
> Regards,
> Curt.
> -- 

getting more and more features into the multiplayer system is really
great - the only limiting factor is the causing desaster by design.
At the moment I get an enormous impact on the controllabilty of my
aircraft when flying an area with a lot of other mp-participants. If you
are landing with a helicopter or even hovering your a/c gets nearly
uncontrollable. That is the reason I gave up joining the mp-system as it
is only fun if you are flying an area where other mp-user are.

It is caused by bad design. The local FDM and Display Systems MUST KEEP
PRIORITY against the updating of the mp-system, ie. other mp-aircraft,
positions, movement, etc. Even if this causes some jumpy display of
other mp-objects.
That is why there should be a better splitting and limiting of the
processortime the MP-SYSTEM has available against that of the
FDM/DISPLAY SYSTEM of the local running FlightGear.
I don't know how difficult it is to realize such an intelligent
"time-slicing" with privilege to the FDM and display of the local
aircraft but it gets more and more important with an increasing number
of mp-users and new features.

Just my thoughts. I know that there are some arguments against my
proposals, ie. towing, formation flying or push-back is only possible if
there is a good realtime display of the other party. But retaining
control over the own aircraft is more important after my opinion.

Georg EDDW

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