dave perry wrote:

> You were correct.  I had not set the weather scenario to METAR.  I ran 
> fgfs once with 3D clouds and once w/o 3D clouds, both with 
> real-weather-fetch and scenario METAR.  I only got 1 fps with the 3D 
> clouds.  Earlier with 3D clouds, I got about 21 fps.  

I assume you mean "Earlier with 2D clouds, I got about 21fps" ?

That's very low. I'd expect a drop of about 10fps. 

What graphics card are you using?

> Also for both 2D 
> and 3D clouds, the field elevation is not accounted for in applying the 
> cloud base MSL height.  The METAR for these 2 runs showed broken at 011 
> (translates to 1,100 ft AGL) but leaving KDSM field elevation of 957 ft 
> MSL, I was in the clouds by 1100 ft MSL or only about 150 ft AGL.  Are 
> we not applying the metar field elevation + metar AGL to get the cloud 
> level?

This sounds like a bug, though I thought I saw something adding the field 
I'll check. Thanks for pointing it out.



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