On 14 Jun 2009, at 23:38, Jari Häkkinen wrote:

> I am running fg on an MacBook Pro (10.5.7) equipped with an GeForce
> 8600M GT graphics card. I have not experienced any problems with
> macflightgears 1.9.1 nor with the May 19 CVS package (my 1 hour flight
> ended just a few minutes ago). I usually run a non-macflighgear  
> based fg
> that I build frequently without any problems related to the graphics  
> card.

Thanks for the information, Jari - you've eliminated many possible  
explanations. (I was worried the 10.5.7 had included an nVidia driver  
update that broke something)

I'm always curious to know how other Mac users build FlightGear - does  
your build setup produce an fgfs binary (or application bundle) you  
could make available somewhere? It would provide another case I could  
test locally.


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