On 16 Jun 2009, at 13:32, Tatsuhiro Nishioka wrote:

> I think it might be a problem on nVidia driver update that Apple
> released after 10.5.6 update. I have an iMac with nVidia GT7300, and
> it also has the same problem as James has.

This makes me really happy, since it means my specific system isn't  

> This problem happens not only on FG but also on some other OpenGL
> based applications. On my end, ac3d locks up after some minutes or
> some seconds of use.

Interesting, this suggests whichever OpenGL apps I tested, don't  
trigger the problem. Hmmm.

> In such case I see tons of OpenGL exceptions at /var/log/system.log
> (of course via ssh).

I'll look for these next time, of course.

> On my end solution 1 and 2 didn't work, so will try 3 and 4 maybe
> tomorrow.

Urk, an OS downgrade would be tricky for me - i'm doing iPhone dev for  
work, and I think I need 10.5.7 to run iTunes 8.2, to run the right  
iPhone SDK...

> I also found some web article shows that Apple stopped distributing
> the nVidia driver update after several days from its release due to
> tons of complaints. Of this is true, it can be the key to explain the
> different situation between Jari and us.

Or possibly it only affects 7xxx generation nVidia chips, and Jari's  
8600 is a separate module/sub-module. I don't know enough about  
nVidia's driver architecture to guess that, though.

I could be lazy and use this as an excuse to buy a Radeon 3870 (or  
4870 if I'm feeling rich!). But in general nVidia has been better to  
me than Ati ... though at the moment, on Mac, I would tend to agree  
Ati is looking in better shape.


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