On Thu, 3 Sep 2009, Tom P wrote:

> Hi Anders
> How long does it take you to do a shallow clone from mapserver ?
> While I've checked-out data via CVS various times in the past (and it takes
> a couple of hours), I haven't been able to clone the 1.6GB fgdata
> repository, I interrupted after a few hours.


As far as I could see (and git does present how much it has downloaded 
and the achived transfer rate) git downloaded 1 GB data (i.e. the 
compressed pack).
How much time that takes will depend on your connection, in my case it was 
limited by my 6Mbit/sec downlink so the capacity of the mapserver was not 
a bottleneck for me.

I used
git clone --depth 1 git://mapserver.flightgear.org/fgdata

You can probably use --depth 0 too.


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/

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