On Saturday, June 11, 2011 02:19:39 AM Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Hal,
> I put some comments in-line.
> Vivian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hal V. Engel [mailto:hven...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 11 June 2011 02:03
> To: flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] SCR-522 (was Rating
> SystemRedux(wasRe:Flightgear-devel Digest, Vol 61, Issue 12))
> On Friday, June 10, 2011 08:16:52 AM Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > Hal,
> > 
> On closer reading of p24 and on looking at the diagram on p9 of the manual,
> it seems possible that the dimmer mask only covered the Channel indicator
> lamps, and not the T/R/REM. light.

What specifically on page 9 are you seeing?

I am not sure I agree but I can't say for sure.  All of the lamps are in line 
with each other so they could easily use the same types of masks and a common 
lever for dimming all five lamps.  In addition, not dimming the T/R/REM lamp 
would not make operational sense since they would have been very concerned 
about night blindness and the lamp is white (see next paragraph) which is not 
a good thing from a night vision point of view.  Also the 1952 USAF F-51D/K/H 
manual seems to imply that all of the lamps are dimmed by the lever although 
it does not say this explicity.  On the other hand the Aug. 1945 USAAF P-51D/K 
manual seems to imply that the dimmer mask only affects the channel lights but 
again it is not explicit about this.  So I don't know.   Perhaps the Spit 
pilot manuals can shed some light on this? 

Also something that I had missed from the 1952 manual is that the T/R/REM lamp 
is white and the others are green.  In most photos I have seen the lamps all 
appear to be a greenish blue color, this is clearly the case in the ebay 
auction photos,  but perhaps this is because they are not lit in these photos.  
A yellowish lamp under a blueish lens would glow a green color when lit while 
still appearling blue when not lit.  Also the photo at this link shows the 
channel lamps as a green blue and the T/R/REM lamp as white. 


 I will  change the colors of the lamps to match the documentation.  But this 
is another case where the evidence is contradictory.  What colors should these 
be when lit and off?  I will make my best guess and if some evidence comes 
along that my guess is incorrect it will get fixed.

> Please take anything you want. Did you notice that the binding for F12 was
> changed to bring up the new menu? I would really like to use the new dialog
> in the same way as the default one rather than in the aircraft-specific
> menu, but right now can't figure out how to do that.

I has a new high level menu for the VHF radio stubbed in (IE. the menu does 
not do anything yet).  So I have some thing working and when I have a chance 
to look at your stuff I will try to generalize it so that it has it's own high 
level menu.
> I think we might end up with 2 near-identical entries in
> Aircraft/Instruments-3d. I suppose that's OK, since UK aircraft would
> expect the TR1133, and the US the SCR-522. Hmm, what was it known as in
> RAF P51s?

I think this may be the case and it might make sense to consolidate these into 
one set of models and code.  The names used internally by the aircraft models 
does not really matter since to the user these are the same units.  They look 
and function in exactly the same way.

> I now discover that the boxes were the same - only the internals differed.
> However, I haven't yet discovered where the boxes were fitted.

I found this online:


It shows where various things are located for weight and ballance on the Spit.  
The TR 1133 is item G and with the dynamotor and other radio items is part of 
item 18.  These are located behind the VHF antenna at 109 inches behind the 
datum point which appears to be at about 25% cord.  This is well behind the 
cockpit and these might not be visible to the pilot or when looking through 
the canopy from the outside.

The above is from a thread on the target4today web site forum.  A user named 
bomber is working on a JSBSim Spit FDM for the target4today software and there 
are two extensive threads about this in their forum.

> I think that one might be a modern reproduction - it's all very shiny and
> new.

It could also be a refinished original or NOS.  These were produced in huge 
numbers (perhaps several hundered thousand) and it appears that NOS or 
refinished examples regularly appear on ebay. 

> Looks like the our channel select buttons could do with a bit more
> detailing - from this and other photos, it looks as if they had a raised
> rim. 

I was not able to see the rim in the photos I originally used although I did 
see that there is a recess in the top of the button which I thought was a dish 
shape and I created a shadow for this in the texture.  But looking closely at 
the ebay auction photos there is a raised rim on the buttons.  I will add this 
to the model.

> I see that there is an "R" under the T/R/REM. key - that is missing
> from the existing texture.

This is corrected in my current texture as of about 2 days ago.  The photos I 
had available before had this hidden behind the T/R/REM lever but it is shown 
in the manual.  I also see looking very closely at the photos that the 
lettering on the top cover appears to have been stamped into the top cover so 
that it is slightly rasied and then is painted white.  The raised lettering is 
clearly visible in the ebay auction photos.

Also I have found out that the placards were for both US and UK use.  The 
black placard is for the US and the red placard is for the UK (A crown M 
stands for Air Minstry).  These units were produced with both placards in 
place and UK and US units were identical and interchangable at least later in 
the war.

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