
> On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 10:41 PM, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
> > As it happens, I'm part way through a change that would allow varying
> > snow- and leaf- cover without having to load different textures, so
> > trees above the snowline could be snow covered while those below are
> > not.  This will increase the size of the textures to 512x512, while an
> > individual tree will remain on 128 pixels tall.
> This is now checked in.
> Tree foliage is now consistent with the experimental Season slide on the
> Environment Setting dialog (deciduous trees shed their leaves towards late
> autumn) and the snow line (trees above the snow-line have a small covering
> of snow).
> Of course, we really should only add snow cover to the trees if the
snowfall is
> recent and there isn't much wind, so perhaps we should just have
> summer/winter variants and no snow-covered... to be discussed.
> There are changes to both simgear and data for this change.  Picking up
> or other results in very odd looking trees :).
> This retires the -summer.[png|dds] and -winter.[png|dds] variants, which
> have been removed.  Those creating tree textures for regional project will
> now need to follow the new format.  I'll update the next newsletter to
> ensure that this information is distributed.
> On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > Just to be clear - if we had textures, this is something I would do
> > the work for since I suggested it, I'm not expecting Stuart to do this
> > for me :-) (This is not to imply that I would object against Stuart
> > giving a try, but as long as I can follow up an idea I like myself, I
try not to fill
> someone else's to-do list).
> That's fine.
> > So I would suggest to implement this as a high-quality option for
> > those who have the hardware to crunch substantial fragment shaders and
> > leave the current implementation as a fallback.
> That sounds reasonable, though the "current implementation" has changed
> in the meantime :).

We seem to have slight misalignment in the tree texture:

Is having a single texture sheet the most efficient way of doing it? Just


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