Take a look at the page:


it has the original version you have + current.
There is a short readme in the current version with some examples that
will get you going.


On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Martin Baldan <martino...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Julian,
> Thanks, now I have a much better picture of the overall situation, although
> I still have a lot of reading to do. I already had read a couple of Frank
> progress reports, and some stuff about worlds, in the publications link you
> mention. So I thought, this sounds great, how can I try this? Then I went to
> the wiki, and there was a section called "Fundamental new computing
> technologies", so I said "this is the thing!".  But no, the real thing was,
> as you said, hidden in plain sight, under the unconspicuous titles such as
> "Other prototypes and projects related to our work" and "experiment". I
> wonder, is that some kind of prank for the uninitiated? hehe. By the way,
> I've played a little with Squeak, Croquet and other great projects by Alan
> and the other wonderful Smalltalk people, so I did have a sense of their
> focus on children. I must confess I was a bit annoyed with what seemed to me
> like Jedi elitism (as in "He is too old. Yes, too old to begin the training.
> ") but hey, their project, their code, their rules.
> So, to get back on topic,
> I've downloaded Maru, The contents are:
> boot-eval.c  boot.l  emit.l  eval.l  Makefile
> So, the ".l" files are
> So this is the file extension for Maru's implementation language (does it
> have a name?).
> Sure enough, the very first line of "eval.l" reads:
> ;;; -*- coke -*-
> This made me smile. Well, actually it was a mad laughter.
> It compiles beautifully. Yay!
> Now there are some ".s" files. They look like assembler code. I thought it
> was Nothing code, but the Maru webpage explains it's just ia-32. Oh, well. I
> don't know yet where Nothing enters the picture.
> So, this is compiled to ".o" files and linked to build the "eval"
> executable, which can take ".l" files and make a new "eval"
>  executable, and so on. So far so good.
> But what else can I do with it? Should I use it to run the examples at
> "http://tinlizzie.org/dbjr/"; ? All I see is files with a ".lbox" file
> extension. What are those? Apparently, there are no READMEs. Could you
> please give me an example of how to try one of those experiments?
> Thanks for your tips and patience ;)
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 3:48 AM, Julian Leviston <jul...@leviston.net>
> wrote:
>> As I understand it, Frank is an experiment that is an extended version of
>> DBJr that sits atop lesserphic, which sits atop gezira which sits atop nile,
>> which sits atop maru all of which which utilise ometa and the "worlds" idea.
>> If you look at the http://vpri.org/html/writings.php page you can see a
>> pattern of progression that has emerged to the point where Frank exists.
>> From what I understand, maru is the finalisation of what began as pepsi and
>> coke. Maru is a simple s-expression language, in the same way that pepsi and
>> coke were. In fact, it looks to have the same syntax. Nothing is the layer
>> underneath that is essentially a symbolic computer - sitting between maru
>> and the actual machine code (sort of like an LLVM assembler if I've
>> understood it correctly).
>> They've hidden Frank in plain sight. He's a patch-together of all their
>> experiments so far... which I'm sure you could do if you took the time to
>> understand each of them and had the inclination. They've been publishing as
>> much as they could all along. The point, though, is you have to understand
>> each part. It's no good if you don't understand it.
>> If you know anything about Alan & VPRI's work, you'd know that their focus
>> is on getting children this stuff in front as many children as possible,
>> because they have so much more ability to connect to the heart of a problem
>> than adults. (Nothing to do with age - talking about minds, not bodies
>> here). Adults usually get in the way with their "stuff" - their "knowledge"
>> sits like a kind of a filter, denying them the ability to see things clearly
>> and directly connect to them unless they've had special training in relaxing
>> that filter. We don't know how to be simple and direct any more - not to say
>> that it's impossible. We need children to teach us meta-stuff, mostly this
>> direct way of experiencing and looking, and this project's main aim appears
>> to be to provide them (and us, of course, but not as importantly) with the
>> tools to do that. Adults will come secondarily - to the degree they can't
>> embrace new stuff ;-). This is what we need as an entire populace - to
>> increase our general understanding - to reach breakthroughs previously not
>> thought possible, and fast. Rather than changing the world, they're
>> providing the seed for children to change the world themselves.
>> This is only as I understand it from my observation. Don't take it as
>> gospel or even correct, but maybe you could use it to investigate the parts
>> of frank a little more and with in-depth openness :) The entire project is
>> an experiment... and that's why they're not coming out and saying "hey guys
>> this is the product of our work" - it's not a linear building process, but
>> an intensively creative process, and most of that happens within oneself
>> before any results are seen (rather like boiling a kettle).
>> http://www.vpri.org/vp_wiki/index.php/Main_Page
>> On the bottom of that page, you'll see a link to the tinlizzie site that
>> references "experiment" and the URL has dbjr in it... as far as I understand
>> it, this is as much frank as we've been shown.
>> http://tinlizzie.org/dbjr/
>> :)
>> Julian
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