Hi Chuck,

This looks very good.
I think we should put this somewhere on the site when it is ready.

On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 23:30, Chuck Paussa wrote:
> I've greatly improved the FO schema I've been working on.  I've added 
> patterns for most of the attribute types. I'd appreciate it if some 
> folks would run their FO documents through a validator against this 
> schema and respond with where I've done a less than excellent job.
> The schema as delivered is for the full FO spec. I've created <group>s 
> and <attributeGroup>s that segregate those elements and attributes 
> implemented and not-implemented in FOP. To make this an FOP only schema, 
> remove those groups and attributeGroups with "_Not" in their names.
> A couple of items I've noticed:
> FOP allows some elements, like fo:table-cell and fo:flow to be empty 
> when the spec says they must be non-empty
> FOP allows the contents of some elements like simple-page-master to be 
> in any order when the spec insists on a defined order

I'm sure there are many more cases where something is not enforced.

> Chuck Paussa

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