Congratulations to both of you! Both projects got a score of 10 which is
the fourth highest score. The ASF got a total of 27 projects. There were
other ASF members who voted for the acceptance of the two FOP proposals.
That's very satisfying and motivates me a lot.

I know this will require quite a bit of my attention but I think it's
worth doing it for FOP. Of course, I'm thankful for any help I get from
the other committers.

I'm currently having a busy week despite the holiday. I hope I can
quickly figure out if anything needs to be organized. If you have any
question or need something just fire away. I'll try hard to support you
wherever I can. Just one wish: As much as possible should happen on the
fop-dev list so everything that's going on is in the open. I'm available
through ICQ/MSN/Skype if that helps but everything FOP-specific that is
discussed there will need to be summed up on fop-dev or on the Wiki. But
I assume that's clear to everyone.

Just so you know up-front: I'll be unavailable from June 22 to 25 when
I'm exploring Ireland before ApacheCon and from July 3 to 7 I'll be
off-line due to "green holidays" (military service). The rest of the
time I should mostly be in reach.

On 24.05.2006 19:44:30 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Same for me! We will perhaps have to clone Jeremias.
> I'm glad to at last have the possibility to work full-time on Fop.
> I hope I will perform good work.
> Vincent
> Patrick Paul a écrit :
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > Great news for me today, I got accepted for the Google Summer of Code to 
> > work on the auto table layout.
> > 
> > Thank you very much Jeremias for taking the time to apply as a mentor 
> > and rank our projects.


Jeremias Maerki

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