I just realized we should think about the right moment to release 1.0. I
guess the number of fixed bugs would suggest a new release rather sooner
than later. I originally thought about going for an ApacheCon release
but I didn't have enough time. Now, Vincent is working on floats and the
requirement for changing IPD between pages gets more important (see
fop-users and one of my clients would like to see an increase in
priority). However, both points may have a serious impact on the layout
engine especially since both feature have a certain conflict potential
for the page breaking approach. Manuel and I have chatted over Skype
about this and Manuel will also look a little deeper into the issue. I
suspect both items will require substantial changes in the layout engine
which are probably better done after the next release (or on a separate
branch). I think it would be good to do the 1.0 release some time in
July, if possible.


Jeremias Maerki

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