On Jul 12, 2007, at 21:00, Loran Kary wrote:

I would imagine that support for additional fonts beyond the Base14 would be pretty fundamental to PDF formatting and therefore if it isn't fully implemented there must be a pretty good reason.

What I do seem to remember is that, when you use embedding, FOP generates a random suffix to the font-family name, precisely so the embedded font-name can practically never clash with a system font- name that would happen to be present on the system where the PDF is viewed.

But if there is not much that needs to be done and it's just waiting for someone with some motivation to do it, that would be interesting to know.

As far as I can judge, /if/ the names of embedded fonts forcibly need to be altered because they would be overridden by local fonts in the PDF viewer, then it could turn out to be pretty simple --for someone who knows what he's doing :/ Leave the font-family name alone, and modify related classes in org.apache.fop.pdf to skip the step of actually embedding the font, if the configuration did not specify an embed-uri.

Little extra /code/ needed, IIC.



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