should help here.

On 27.05.2010 15:03:32 Eric Douglas wrote:
> Hi,
> I downloaded the FOP Trunk using the svn checkout, then tried to create
> a project and import it into Eclipse and compile it, and got all sorts
> of errors.  Am I missing something?
> First it said it was missing classes.  I selected edit build path and
> added external jars ant.jar and junit-4.8.2.jar I found and downloaded
> seperately.  That fixed a lot of the errors.  It's still saying it can't
> find classes from*, org.apache.fop.fonts.base14.*, and
> org.apache.fop.fonts.CodePointMapping, and it lists errors in XML files
> and the properties.dtd file (which starts a <!DOCTYPE tag and never
> closes it).

Jeremias Maerki

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