I think about this in two ways:

 1) Who are our lists for?
 2) How can we provide the most value through our lists to the audience?

Often I find digging up old threads to reference to users more painful than
it should be. Often, I am curious about popular or trending threads and
cannot find this information easily. This latter point I think can be
important for users and developers if there is a hot button breakage or
workflow topic being discussed. Often, when I want to answer a user, I find
the interface of email lists to be limited when it comes to including
screenshots, or writing code blocks. Further, I find asking users for
information to help with debugging difficult because they have limited
options for attachments or screenshots for inclusion. Often I find writing
structured emails for things like proposals or recaps difficult. 75% of the
time I am going to prefer email given it is what I am used to and my
primary interface for everything else. But 25%, I want something more.

If Discourse can help solve these problems, and make the users of the lists
experiences better when interacting amongst themselves as well as
developers then a big ole +1 from me. Mailing lists are great, times
change, users change, requirements change.

Mailing lists are for communication, and whatever increases communication
the most I am all for.


On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Lukas Zapletal <l...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Greg, I absolutely understand the motivation, every two years amount
> of programmers doubles. That is a crazy amount of newcomers. But these
> new people are not idiots and some technical level is required even
> for soft roles in our community. And we can make lists approachable
> very much like forums.
> Do not put me into position of blind and angry dev who can't accept
> something different or new. I understand all contexts and I say
> Discourse is an overkill that will bother me and possibly others. God
> I wish Google Groups are gone, but not for this.
> > * do nothing
> Honestly, yeah.
> > * switch mailing list for minimal improvement
> s/minimal/reasonable/
> > * switch to a forum, big upheaval but potential big payoff
> Sure, because there are no downsides.
> It's not about a list standard e-mail headers. The forum has different
> workflow and features and there will be new features as well while
> mailing list will stay the same. This will screw my inbox. This will
> but a wall between e-mail users and web forum users. This is what's
> this all about. And I think we don't need to go that direction.
> LZ
> On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Greg Sutcliffe <g...@emeraldreverie.org>
> wrote:
> > One more thought occurred to me while I was out on the nursery pickup,
> so I'll drop here before I bow out for the weekend.
> >
> > Lukas, I think part of our disagreement is our different goals. As I
> highlighted in the last mail, users behave differently to devs. These days
> I consider myself more user than dev (when did I last contribute code), so
> I have a different world view.
> >
> > You want to protect a tried and trusted workflow, likely used by many
> here - that's fine. My job is to promote and develop the user community, so
> I see room for improvement.
> >
> > Here's the catch though... Our future devs, as a community, *come from*
> the user community. If we don't focus there, then we risk stagnating the
> dev community too.
> >
> > I won't deny this change is a larger net benefit for the user group. The
> case for the dev community is harder to argue. But there *is* benefit, and
> compared to running a list (for dev) and a forum (for users) I think the
> better argument is to use a forum for both.
> >
> > I don't expect to convince everyone, so this is going to come down to a
> group decision - but not for a while yet. We need to do more tests.
> >
> > Have a great weekend all,
> > Greg
> > --
> > Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> >
> > --
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> Later,
>   Lukas @lzap Zapletal
> --
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Eric D. Helms
Red Hat Engineering

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