On 04/08/2018 14:07, Warren Young wrote:
Double check that the executable is in fact there, not somewhere else, like 
c:\Program Files (x86).

If that doesn’t work, try “dir /x c:\” and putting in the short version of the 
path to avoid the embedded space.  If I had to guess, it’s:


But check.  It could be ~2 or other things.

And if that still doesn’t work, try using forward slashes.  It’s possible this 
is running through sprintf() or similar internally to Fossil, so those 
backslashes are causing confusion.
Thanks much for the tip.

The program is, c:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe", ie. "C:\PROGRA~1\WinMerge\WINMER~1.EXE"

At the root of C: , where fossil.exe lives:

c:\> fossil settings gdiff-command "C:\PROGRA~1\WinMerge\WINMER~1.EXE"
c:\> fossil settings
>> gdiff-command        (global) C:\PROGRA~1\WinMerge\WINMER~1.EXE
d:\temp\> fossil gdiff myfile.txt


c:\> fossil settings gdiff-command "C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE"
c:\> fossil settings
>> gdiff-command        (global) C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE
d:\temp\> fossil gdiff myfile.txt


I also ran the command in the work directory, still no go. Incidently, I notice that settings can be changed at the local level:
d:\temp\> fossil settings gdiff-command "C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE"
d:\temp\> fossil settings
>> gdiff-command        (local) C:/PROGRA~1/WinMerge/WINMER~1.EXE
d:\temp\> fossil gdiff myfile.txt

Still nothing :-/
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