On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 04:25:28PM +0200, Gilles wrote:
> On 04/08/2018 15:51, Gilles wrote:
> >d:\Temp>fossil gdiff test.html
> >
> >Nothing.
> I don't know if it means anything, but incidently, "fossil diff" doesn't
> return anything either:
> d:\Temp>fossil diff test.html
> d:\Temp>fossil finfo test.html
> History of test.html
> 2018-08-04 [6517de2577] Blah (user: fred, artifact: [e123cf7827], branch:
> trunk)
> 2018-08-04 [e711051a5a] Original files (user: fred, artifact: [7d257c6ae4],
> branch: trunk)

If you don't have any local changes, it's normal that it shows nothing.
If "fossil changes" return nothing, it will be the same for "diff" or

Fossil will not try to run the gdiff-command if there's no change.

Try again after modifying the file.

Martin G.
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