Thank you Brian for a great email and probably the best answer I got
(no offense to John or Dave). It became a whole lot clear to me the
reason behind the milestones I was questioning... it also became
apparent that my concerns *do* apply for the next 'iteration' as some
of these now more mundane tasks will have become part of the routine
and incentives can be shifted to other areas that similarly require
more attention.

> I think there is more value in suggesting ways that the CEO goals should
> be refocused.  However, there has been little discussion about that so
> far.  How would you suggest improving the goals and metrics to ensure
> that concerns that you have are better addressed moving forward?

For starters I can honestly say that opening things up as you did with
this original email is a great step forward! To be clear, making this
type of information open (that is not to say it wasn't before) and
making people aware of it is what led me to ask about those things.
Making more information like this (perhaps even telling people where
to find it) available to the general public will definitely help to
get more feedback and constructive criticism. I'd love to see
milestones related to getting localization and accessibility teams on
the roadmap for 2010 and holding sprints/what-not with members of
these teams to see how to make GNOME more accessible to people who's
first language is not English and for those who cannot currently use
GNOME due to some limitation. One metric could be, how many different
languages with a total percentage of less or equal to 50% translated
strings have improved within the next release cycle? How many kept at
80% or above? How can the Foundation help to improve these numbers?
Are there organizations already using GNOME to attend their
accessibility needs? Are there any goals related to making GNOME more
accessible? Would it make sense to spend a release cycle and focus on
improving these areas? Have we got any metrics on the progress (or
lack of) of work being done in these areas?

This was just a quick braindump but I could get more specific if
needed. Basically, I'd love to see reports on how these areas playout
in the overall picture of our roadmap for 2010 and what our CEO's plan
is to improve them.

Og B. Maciel

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