At 16:17 +0000 20/12/13, Harro de Jong wrote:

>It sounds like another application sees the Cmd-] shortcut and acts on it. Do 
>you have any clipboard management apps?

That's a thought. I used QuickKeys, but none of its shortcuts are set to 
command-]. If they were, that shortcut would trigger every time I did a 
mouse-wheel-down, so the problem would be instantly obvious. It's the 'only 
very rarely' incidence that's stumped me.

>Or, it could be similar to a problem I sometimes have on my Mac: I've got an 
>ancient Apple Extended Keyboard attached via an ADB-to-USB converter.

I used to use this setup, but at present I've just using the standard 
current-model wired keyboard.

> Occasionally, it will munge some keystrokes. " my Mac" will come out as 
> "my;ac" (even though I'm hitting the correct keys).

My cats do that for me ;-)

> Two keystrokes are seen as one if they're typed too quickly. You could try a 
> different keyboard.

Well I could, but like all transient (and this is very transient) faults, 
they're a bummer to pin down.

What I do know is that it only occurs in FrameMaker.

Thanks for thinking about this.


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