Sometimes it seems like Win 7 decides to protect a directory?
And you can huff and puff, but it keeps applying some accursed attribute...

you can create a directory in some safe location (or copy a known functioning directory), rename the cursed directory, then copy the good directory to where you need it, and it will (may?) keep its usablility. I went through this a while back -then you can copy the files of interest into the fresh directory, etc....

I expect there's a better way, but this is <something to try>

Good luck!

On 8/19/2014 6:44 PM, John Sgammato wrote:
Hi Syed - attached (if it made it) is an example of a blocked file. If a file is blocked, then you see it in the Properties > General dialog under Attributes. If it is not blocked, then there's blank space there. I figured out how to unblock the one that kept reblocking itself (by copying it ot the desktop and unblocking it there, then copying it back) but that did not fix the issue.
I searched this afternoon for duplicate DLLs and found none.
I may reinstall Calibre and then uninstall it with a more aggressive tool - I am open to suggestions.
Here's my path:
%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%OMSYSHOME%\common\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\

Jay Maechtlen
626 840-8875 cell
626 444-5112 office

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