So,  I log into my Adobe products account tonight to retrieve a serial
number for a registered product.  I see that another product that I
registered over 18 months ago, Acrobat XI Pro, for some reason is not
listed. I attempt to register the product  online with the serial number
that I have on the faded product insert. I keep getting the message that the
serial number is invalid . . . even though it's the serial number that Adobe
has provided! I start a chat with Adobe Support. I am damn near explicitly
accused of stealing the product - where did I buy the product, when did I
buy it, under what email? The real kicker - at first, "no such email
exists," and I explode and voila, they miraculously find the email (never
mind that it's been my email with Adobe for 7 years) and yes, they do see
that I have other products registered under this email, but send a screen
capture to provide proof of my installation. How stupid - I could send a
screen capture of anybody's computer - they have no idea if it really is
mine - but I oblige and send one. Not good enough - I have to provide a
receipt/proof of purchase. I reply that I have the DAMNED serial number on
the box, but for some reason, Adobe isn't recognizing it online. Why isn't
that good enough? 

After 35 minutes of back and forth, I  get  "We have escalated this." The
escalation team will see if they can figure out what's going on and get back
to you in 24 hours." Uh? I am working on setting up a new system after
hours. I need the damned serial number to work now!!! Not in 24 hours.

Typical Adobe we don't give a rat's a___ customer service.  

After over 20 years of buying Adobe products (10 in corporate, 10
independently), this is how they treat a customer? 

Adobe, if you're listening, pull your collective heads out of your b_____s
and provide real customer service.


Tammy Van Boening
Spectrum Writing, LLC
TammyVB  *AT*  spectrumwritingllc  *DOT*  com


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