Greetings Framers,

We/WebWorks (Quadralay) very rarely weigh in on this list or any other 
list. We believe in nice open discussions with as little vendor 
interference as possible. In the 8 years I have worked at WebWorks this 
is my first posting to Framers.

In light of the recent discussion on ePublisher I thought I would weigh 
in, not with an essay of how ePublisher measures up against other 
products. I believe that kind of post would be inappropriate coming from 
a vendor and might create further confusion because I can only expertly 
comment in reference to ePublisher.

With that in mind, I would like to invite each of you to attend any of 
our free public ePublisher webinars (Jeremy, I would love to have you 
attend as well) these webinars are not sales pitches; they are an open 
forum for you to ask questions about ePublisher and for us to help you 
find the most effective solution. As you will see we offer many 
different webinar topics for our customers and all are welcome to 
register for any of them.

If you are interested in attending a webinar please got to .

Feel free to contact me directly either by phone or email.

Thank you for your time,
Andrew VanConas
andrew at <mailto:andrew at>

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