>>Hard to say. Have you tried with clean or no templates?
> Not quite sure what you mean by 'template' here, Bill.

You're using FrameMaker, right? 7.x? There's a template involved with
every FM document, whether standard default or custom.

>>Are you using drivers compatible with Distiller 6?
> Yup, exactly the same setup as I've used to produce several pre-press print 
> PDF files for published books over the past few years. I've just checked some 
> other book files, and they distill just fine: it seems to be something about 
> this book (which has not yet been worked on, it's just the result of a 
> 'flying typeset' to get an approximate extent).

Have you tried copying the content out to a clean file?

Bill Swallow
Twitter: @techcommdood
Blog: http://techcommdood.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/techcommdood

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