For completeness, I did the same test for the edit tab on the front page:

EDIT TAB: 10 loads of front page, in seconds

Template                                Total  Hits Per hit
ATContentTypes/atct_edit.cpt            11.883  10  1.1883                          3.4623  10  0.3462        0.044   10  0.0044                0.0951  10  0.0095
kupu/common/kupudrawers/drawer.xsl      1.2536  20  0.0627
kupu_plone_layer/           0.7291  10  0.0729
portlets/browser/templates/    2.9159  20  0.1458
portlets/portlets/            2.7526  50  0.0551
portlets/portlets/             0.0205  10  0.0021
portlets/portlets/              0.005   10  0.0005
portlets/portlets/               0.0181  10  0.0018

If there's any way we can improve this, it would be very welcome, as this is a big part of what makes Plone feel slow in actual use - the edit part.

— Alexander

On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 05:53:11 -0800, Alexander Limi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some preliminary results of running a quick PTProfiler session on Plone 3.0 and trying to figure out what is slowing it down.

I was prompted to do this when I discovered that anonymous view of Plone 3.0 was about 30% slower than 2.5. Take these numbers as a general guide only, it's still early in the 3.0 process, and there's bound to be lots of improvement potential here.

ANONYMOUS: 10 loads of front page, in seconds

Template                               Total  Hits Per hit
==========================================================                       3.9707  10  0.3971       0.0441  10  0.0044               0.0899  10  0.009
portlets/browser/templates/   2.3798  20  0.119
portlets/portlets/           2.0051  50  0.0401
portlets/portlets/            0.0221  10  0.0022
portlets/portlets/             0.2678  10  0.0268
portlets/portlets/              0.021   10  0.0021

Breakdown of document_view shows (same order/units as above):
path: plone_view/globalize             0.232   10  0.0232

The rest of the things here use much less time, but there's probably some interesting things there too.

It seems the portlets stuff is what is making it slower (more about that below), along with globalize.

LOGGED IN: 10 loads of front page, in seconds

Template                               Total  Hits Per hit
==========================================================                         3.476   10  0.3476                      10.563   10  1.0563      0.0464   10  0.0046              0.0934   10  0.0093

portlets/browser/templates/  3.0892   20  0.1545
portlets/portlets/          2.9249   50  0.0585
portlets/portlets/           0.0211   10  0.0021
portlets/portlets/            0.005    10  0.0005
portlets/portlets/             0.0183   10  0.0018

Breakdown of document_view shows (same order/units as above):
path: plone_view/globalize            0.8519s  10  0.08519s
python: [history[i] for i in (…)      0.8055s  10  0.08055s

So for logged-in, "globalize" and the versioning stuff seems to be the two biggest offenders by an order of magnitude, and seem to both take about the same amount of time.

The portlets also seem to be inefficient both for logged in or not, but a lot of this time is spent in, which we should be able to eliminate (since we should convert all the portlets to new-style portlets before shipping the release). I'm not sure if wraps/includes the time.

Of course, all this might be wrong, but that's what happens when you let the UI guy do your benchmarking. ;)


     Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

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