On 25 Jan, Azazel wrote:

> OS: RH Linux 6.1; freeamp: 2.0.1.  I've found a (relatively) small MP3
> which shews this problem.  Rather than attach it (it's over 5MB), I've
> put it here:
>       http://www.azazel.net/tmp/sidiki.mp3
> Let me know when you've got it, so I can take it down again.

I got it thanks -- however it does advance to the next track on my
machines. Did you say it was the normal soundcard output you're using? 

Can I log into your box and try to figure out what's up? If that's not
an option, can I get you to compile a debugging version on your machine?

--ruaok         Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://moon.eorbit.net/~robert


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