kabutor wrote:
> Ok, now it should work fine with all the resolutions, I see it a bit 
> blurry in 640x480, looks like a font problem?¿, but in 800x600 or 
> 1024x768 is fine, scaled proportionaly,

Great, it even worked in 400x300.

> anyway that uncover a "bug" or 
> something strange, and is that if there are any space in a line it didnt 
> "paint" in the hud from that space to the end, so I delete all the 
> spaces, if you know the escape sequence for spaces I could try, I try 
> with \s or \S but nothing works..

I can't reproduce that. I just added blanks when I trimmed the HUD display
a bit and it worked very well. Please check out current CVS and see whether
it still fails for you.

BTW, I reintroduced a fog effect for all tiles except the current one,
what do you think?

> >>after 1500 nodes my computer is on its knees ...and Im talking about 
> >>entities with 8 polys...
> >>
> >Oh, I see. Seems that there are some scalabilty problems in Ogre's scene
> >management.
> >
> It seems more to be a problem with all the 3D engines, but in Ogre I 
> dont see a "fast fix", if you have the time look for a thread in Ogre 
> Forums called "Rendering A Lot Of Things" that explains why does this 
> happen, and how to "fix" it, someone even provides a function so we can 
> render meshes as static ones without scene node, so the limit again is 
> pushed to the max poly count your computer can do.

Thanks, will have a look at it, however the solution is not really
pressing, as we can use larger couplings of meshes without a real
disadvantage. This also make it easier to place all the trees on the tile.

> Unfortunately I tried the fix, you see my comments at the end of the 
> thread, to discover that the code uses a GOTO, wich is prohibited in C++ 
> so I stop testing that.. but can be really useful for rendering a full 
> forest.

goto works like a charm in C++ and it's really handy in some situations.
After all a goto is nothing but a high level representation of one of
the most basic assembly command, the JMP.

> >>We can group them in blender and render about 10 with one node, or pack 
> >>them in different meshes 5palms.mesh 10palms.mesh and so..
> >>   
> >>
> >That would be good. Otherwise the sea passage will become too boring, the
> >player's should get some eye candy :-)
> Want that for 0.2.2 ? or shall I made other things?

We can use it for the real caribbean tiles in 0.3, but I don't think it's
necessary right now.
A nice/simple improvement for 0.2.2 would be a two-layered water plane, that
shifts between them and gives the impression of floating water.
One of the tutorials by Xenorakis (sp?) uses one and it looks pretty nice.
Maybe you can have a look at that. There are some water textures at


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