Paul Damer wrote:
> >Movement in the ship is controlled through the helm which controls
> >the direction of the ship and how far the sail should be able to
> >expand. Depending on the side the wind is coming from the broom
> >switches over to either side. This should have a graphical
> >representation through the boom position.
> > 
> >
> This is good.  But, do any ships have only square sails?  Then the sails 
> wouldn't switch but would have to move some other way.  Maybe it would 
> adjust the number of sails?

Do you mean the following: While for smaller ships they broom controls the
ship like this:

<    /    >

for larger ships like the frigate it's more like

<  (  (  (    >

The ( shall represent sails. AFAIK these larger ships have some sails
like the main sail and jib that simply boost the ship's speed and
some that are used to control the direction. In this case the speed
levels of the ship could be represented be setting more sails, that
sounds like a good idea.

> I agree that the helm is not needed. 

It's probably not even visible most of the time. In the inter island
travel it's too small and in battles you should have other things
to worry about. :-)
> >We could represent damage by removing mastils from larger ships.
> >In that case the mastils should be independant scenes nodes by
> >themselves.
> >
> I would suggest that damage be represented by drawing holes on the sails 
> by having a series of sail textures.  Also, the ship could sail slower 
> and lower in the water.

Sounds good as well. Lowering the ships is very easy. There are some
fancy particle effects for smoke in Ogre, I think Kabutor even started
to make one, or am I mistaken here?

> I am going to check out the 3d code tonight or tommorow and try it out.

I'll make it self contained in the repo to make it easier to build, hopefully
this night.


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