On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, John Baldwin wrote:
> My suggestion will be to back it out.  I would rather not have to make said
> suggestion.  Can you please try to fit this into the existing framework rather
> than ripping it all up?  We need to finalize and test the design before we
> hardcode too many assumptions about the implementation into the interface. You
> have pointed out some issues with the current interface which are valid and I
> would like to address those, however, there are still changes to the MI
> implementation that need to go in once it doesn't crash right and left.  If you
> wish I could commit the code and make current a living hell for everyone, but
> my ethics don't permit me to test code that I know is broken.

You know john, I wish you would commit more often and let it break things
It's REALLY HARD for anyone else to comment and help if you keep doing on
P4 which is NOT the  project Souce control system.
Even with cvsup assistanace, it's just no-where near as convenient as
having it checked in. And after you HAVE checked it in, others can help
find and fix problems.. as it is you are "on your own".
(This is the reason I will shortly check in the KSE diffs on a branch)

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