On 4/08/2006 10:38 AM, Tamouh H. wrote:
I've been doing some thinking on it this afternoon, and think I've figured out about the simpliest way of doing it ... it still doesn't deal with "fakers" and such, but, IMHO, I don't think that that is a *huge* problem that needs to be addressed ... some might do it for a lark, but, overall, it just sounds like something that is "more worth then its worth", so over time, it should eventually balance out ...

Excellent idea, and will be one of first to register! I don't believe at first 
it is that important to ensure no fake entries, it is more crucial to get this 
project started at first then deal with the more troublesome details.

The best approach is probably to start out with a v1 as an experiment - get interested parties involved, start testing, evaluate your results, modify as necessary...

... once you have something that's been proven on a smaller scale, you can look to expand the scope and get more wide-spread usage.

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