sorry I missed this part of the thread. see my other post too.

On Friday 21 February 2003 03:58 pm, Tuc wrote:
> > CVS Tag list:
> >
> > 
>       So if I read it right:
>       RELENG_4_7_0_RELEASE - First ever 4.7 release. Oldest and never
> updated past that day it was tagged

I think so.  *Critical* fixes used to go into the release itself, which got 
confusing and I think that is why the release branches were made.

>       RELENG_4_7 - More current than _RELEASE, but only with critical
> updates.

yep basically.  It results in point releases along the release branch.  I 
think there are like 15 on the 4.7 brnach now.  I can't figure out how ot 
tell without upgrading or if there is a way to upgrade to a specific one.

>       RELENG_4 - More current than 4_7, has non critical updates and
> tweaks, but doesn't guarantee it being 4_7 branch.

yes, see my other post.

>       So there isn't a way to make sure I stay in 4.7, but get all the
> fixes, right?

That's true. FreeBSD is a fast moving target and to add both features and bug 
fixes you have to move on, which is what 4-stable does.
        Personally I'd like to see the release branches have a lot more stability 
fixes along with the security fixes.  But this could require massive amounts 
of work and there are only so many people and resources to go around.  
Maintaining the release branches with only security fixes is I'm sure already 
a great deal of work, and is a great step in the right direction I believe.
        I dunno, maybe it would be possible for only the last release branch to get 
stability fixes along with security fixes.  That may just work.  I've wanted 
something like that for years.  It would bring FreeBSD farther along in being 
the most stable free OS out there and satisfy the needs of the super 
        Personally I'd rather have a super super stable OS, I don't really care about 
performance beyond a reasonable point.  I'd like to get to the point where 
there are FreeBSD releases as bug free as Tex.  I think that is possible with 
the release branches.


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