Quoting Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi All!!!
>   I think that WinXP more popular and more easy than FreeBSD. People
>   all over the world know what is Windows but don't know what is
>   FreeBSD. More programs is written work on Windows....
>   Windows more comfortable in work with graph...
>   If windows more popular and more program work on windows why do you use
> FreeBSD?

1) it's free

2) it's very stable

3) I get source code for the whole OS and almost everything installed

4) it's a very unix-ish os, with a long history.

5) it's fast

6) it's more flexible than windows.

7) I refuse to use a product that has so many holes in it and so many worms and
viruses for it.

8) netcraft has it as one of the OS's with the highest uptimes. (see number 2)

9) for almost anything a windows machine has commercial software for, I can find
free software that does the job the same or better (usually better for server
uses like web,email,dns, and similar or the same for desktop apps).

10) I don't like using a gui for every little piece of configuration.

11) I could keep going to reason # 1000 and I still wouldn't be done.

>   I am beginner and I don't understand why a lot of people say that
>   FreeBSD it's cool..... Why?
>   What do you prefer FreeBSD or Windows???
>   This mailing list is dedicated to FreeBSD. I know that users of
>   FreeBSD more than users of Windows....
>   Please try understand me correctly. Thanks for any answer!
> --
> Best regards, Denis
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