Bart Silverstrim wrote:
[ ... ]
Out of curiosity, what email program are you using that it's not showing up? I thought the FAQ said that many term emailers support the flowed
format...essentially my hitting "enter" at the end of each line is making
it more difficult for the format=flowed-speaking-mailers to correctly
format my email for quoting, etc...

Yes, the format=flowed behavior is described by RFC-2616, and on a good day, your mailer should break up lines around 76 chars in automaticly when sending so that plain-text MUAs are happy. Mozilla and Apple's are probably the two most common mailers which understand that format.

MUAs which understand format=flowed will re-wrap the lines to fit the window the message is being displayed in, but for some reason the mail you send is being wrapped around column 120 rather than around column 76.

Suggestions? I'm not trying to start any kind of religious MUA war or anything like that, just asking for honest opinion on "best practices"...

In this case, file a bug report with Apple-- normally does a better job. If you'd be entertained by reading about comparible problems with Mozilla, see:

[ Mozilla's interpretation of RFC-2616 makes it impossible to send a ">" in the first column, which to me is broken by design.... ]

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