<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39831 >

I think you mean EFT_VETERAN_BUILD. I would try to make it shorter, though.
I think your suggestion is great for the general manual, but here we are
dealing with the individual unit help. The original sentence ("may become
veteran throught training or combat") was definitely too short, but this is
probably too much. And we have to think that this will be read by complete
newbies. You don't want to bother them with rulesets.

I see your point, though. Borrowing also from Randy's, how about:

Will be built as a veteran in certain cities (see Barracks, and Sun Tzu).
May also become veteran if it defeats an enemy unit.

I don't like the "certain" word, but it's a start. I think it's important to
refer them to other parts of the manual, where they will get the full
explanation, while keeping it short.


2007/11/4, Eddie Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39831 >
> "Joan Creus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> ><URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39831 >
> >
> >Good suggestion. I like it. Just one point: shouldn't it be "with
> Barracks"
> >instead of "with a Barracks"? I'm not a native English speaker, but it
> >doesn't feel right.
> >
> >Can anybody improve on Randy's suggestion?
>     I suggest some wording that refers to the name of the EFT
> (effect) that having a Barracks or Sun Tzu causes.  I can't remember
> the name of it at the moment (I'll just call it 'upgrade' in this
> email).
>     The reason for doing so is that it is more portable - i.e. the
> wording will be appropriate for rulesets that may use other
> buildings or wonders that cause the upgrade effect.  Consider this
> wording:
>     "Land units sometimes gain 'veteran' status by defeating an enemy
> unit in combat.  Also, land units can be created with 'veteran'
> status if they are created in a city where 'upgrade' is in effect.
> The 'upgrade' can be caused by buildings (e.g. Barracks), Wonders
> (e.g. Sun Tzu), or other factors defined in the ruleset."
>      Replace 'upgrade' with the name of the EFT and see how it
> sounds.  I still can't remember the name.  Sorry.
>      HTH.
> -Eddie

I think you mean EFT_VETERAN_BUILD. I would try to make it shorter, though. I think your suggestion is great for the general manual, but here we are dealing with the individual unit help. The original sentence ("may become veteran throught training or combat") was definitely too short, but this is probably too much. And we have to think that this will be read by complete newbies. You don't want to bother them with rulesets.

I see your point, though. Borrowing also from Randy's, how about:

Will be built as a veteran in certain cities (see Barracks, and Sun Tzu). May also become veteran if it defeats an enemy unit.

I don't like the "certain" word, but it's a start. I think it's important to refer them to other parts of the manual, where they will get the full explanation, while keeping it short.


2007/11/4, Eddie Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39831 >

"Joan Creus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
><URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39831 >
>Good suggestion. I like it. Just one point: shouldn't it be "with Barracks"
>instead of "with a Barracks"? I'm not a native English speaker, but it
>doesn't feel right.
>Can anybody improve on Randy's suggestion?

    I suggest some wording that refers to the name of the EFT
(effect) that having a Barracks or Sun Tzu causes.  I can't remember
the name of it at the moment (I'll just call it 'upgrade' in this

    The reason for doing so is that it is more portable - i.e. the
wording will be appropriate for rulesets that may use other
buildings or wonders that cause the upgrade effect.  Consider this

    "Land units sometimes gain 'veteran' status by defeating an enemy
unit in combat.  Also, land units can be created with 'veteran'
status if they are created in a city where 'upgrade' is in effect.
The 'upgrade' can be caused by buildings (e.g. Barracks), Wonders
(e.g. Sun Tzu), or other factors defined in the ruleset."

     Replace 'upgrade' with the name of the EFT and see how it
sounds.  I still can't remember the name.  Sorry.



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