Matthias Pfafferodt <> writes:

> Follow-up Comment #5, patch #1234 (project freeciv):
>> What is wrong with building the next unit in the list and
>> possibly showing the number of turns required as 0 for all but
>> the first of a set?
> I think this would be to powerfull (space ship?).

Not a unit and putting 2 space ship components into the list would be
the same as clicking the "2" box in your system. I'm not arguing about
changing what gets build. Just how to account for/coordinat that with
the build list.

I'm perfectly fine with building just one Diplomat if you have a
Diplomat and an Armor in the build list. But if you have 2 Diplomats
and then an Armor and enough shields it should build 2 and remove 2
from the build list.

Lets explain it this way: The unit type build can only be changed once
a turn but it will produce as many units as are queued up and shields

"Diplomat, Armor, Diplomat, Armor" takes always >= 4 turns.
"Diplomat, Diplomat, Armor, Armor" takes >= 2.
"Armor, Coinage" builds exactly one armor and coinage the next turn.
"Freight" will build as many Freights as possible each turn.

>> And in your mode what would happen if I set it to 3 and it
>> only completes 2? Would one remain on the list?
> As one can estimate the amount of shields available (stock + production) only
> the max. number you could reach with the shields available would be active.
> This number would further be restricted by the number of build slots.

The build list can be long, the city can grow or shrink many times
during that time. You can easily gain or loose build slots as well as
change shield production and shields stored.

Even in the same turn you can disband units and gain more shields that
way and suddenly more slots are able to be filled.


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