Follow-up Comment #4, patch #4608 (project freeciv):

Thanks Davide, since your games are the main source of feedback, I'll try to
make the rules here as similar as possible to the ones you use there. But keep
in mind that the version here is supposed to be designed to enjoy single
player games (with space race enabled, non-concurrent turns against the ai,
The way I see it, when I enable the claim border for the fortress, I can use
it to steal terrain from the AI, even when we are at peace, and they do not
consider it a threat, so I find it important to keep it disabled in single

Said that, I think this pre-fortress is needed both for single and
multi-player. Else, you can stack pile your units with lot of engineers, move
them to enemy territory and build a fortress at end of turn, that will appear
finished at start of next turn, when it is time for the ai to attack you. It
is an exploit that bypass the killstack rules, and makes it rutinary and
boring to conquer the ai cities. I try to avoid it in my games as a house
rule, but I think it is important to fix it in the ruleset.

>Reading the patch I also wonder if all the reqs are correct: Trench requiring
Airfield & Airbase? (though it seems to be illegal range "Tile")

Oh, I'll check it. I added that condition to avoid trenchs or fortress in the
same tile than airfields or airbases, and it seems to work in my tests. I'll
make a version for trunk and I'll try to fix it.


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