On Sat, 12 Aug 2017 10:20:47 +0930
"Michael T. Pope" <mp...@computer.org> wrote:
> Updating the blocker status since last round:

Updating again.  IMHO there are two hard blockers ATM/ 

> BR#3083  Y  Rapid Go-To Wont Wait

This is still broken in a test game I have.  Working on it.

The other problem is that move animation is racing.  Quite often the unit
is shown in its destination tile, and then moved there.  The combat
animations are sometimes out of order as well but I am having a harder
time triggering this.  I can see what is wrong, but the fix is proving

We also have two bugs that would be blockers if they were more common and

    - I am still worried about BR#3090 as that totally blocks the game
      from working

    - If we get more signal for BR#3062 that should be top priority to fix

Mike Pope

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