
> On May 18, 2020, at 3:42 PM, thraex <thr...@numericable.fr> wrote:
> On 18.05.2020 15:17, Jerome Shidel wrote:
>> First, http://freedoslocal.sourceforge.net is no longer maintained. 
> Indeed, that's a resource I miss sorely as a translator :(
>> Occasionally, individuals have sent me translations for packages other
>> than the ones I develop. With no good place to send them at present,
>> I just started to funnel all translations into a new Github project
>> at https://github.com/shidel/fd-nls 
>> At present, I’m thinking of it as a new temporary home for all of them. 
> Hehe, I have bad news for you Jerome. I reviewed French translations and
> I (or rather, the spellchecker and the Grammalecte tool) caught several
> mistakes in choice, edlin, fc, fdnpkg, find, freecom_err, freecom_lng,
> help, htmlhelp, md5sum, more, move, password, sort, trch, tree, and
> xcopy. I already filed a report
> (<https://github.com/FDOS/freecom/issues/25>) for FreeCOM containing the
> updated translations, but for the remaining ones it looks like fd-nls
> will be their new home (see <https://github.com/shidel/fd-nls/issues/4>) :P

Unfortunately if you disregard the little broken-spanish I know, I really only 
and write two languages, English and bad English. :-)

If you’ve found spelling and grammatical errors, please update them and submit a
Pull request. 

> Also, I would have two questions:
> Firstly, I noticed
> <http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/repositories/latest/listing.csv>
> now has 331 listings, whereas the file I had translated in 2018 has only
> 302. Do you have updated French & Turkish csv files so I can translate
> new items that must be in English, or do I have to insert them manually
> on my side (ugh)?

Actually, the current FR & TR files are semi-broken. The RBE (Release Build 
throws many errors while parsing those CSV files. Mostly, they have an extra 
column. The RBE
complains and ignores it. However, some entries cause it to basically say 
"HUH?” and just ignore 
the entire translation for that package. The RBE outputs a message for missing 
translations data.
I need to add something that also lists missing entries. (if no translation at 
all, it doesn’t complain… yet)

If you could spend a few minutes and check out the LOG to fix the current 
issues, I’d really appreciate it.
I’m really getting tired of seeing hundreds of translation errors during 
release test builds. :-)

Meanwhile, I’ll spend a couple minutes and throw together a bash script, that 
will compare the main English CSV to a 
translation and generate a "What’s needed” CSV.

> Secondly, I noticed certain translations (for isntance fdnpkg.fr) do not
> comply with the limit of 80 characters per line.
> Let's consider:
> "2.6:Vous devriez mettre dans votre fichier de configuration au moins
> une entr‚ée de la forme suivante :"
> Is this OK, or should it be split in two lines? If so, may I ask the
> syntax for doing so?

Honestly don’t know. I don’t use kitten, cats or any of those NLS libs in favor 
of my own.

I’ve always preferred entries like



1.7=Hi there.

But, that’s probably just me.

Anyhow, you should check with Mateusz for the specifics on how his programs 
handles NLS. 

> Thanks a lot for your time.
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